Saturday, March 11, 2023


 Have you ever heard of the "Selective-Service"?

It's been a program that's been in place since the end of the Vietnam War.

Simply put, if any male in America wants  to go to College

 (but can't afford to pay the insane costs for tuition/housing/etc), 

there are government-grants, and loans (notice how it didn't specify "government-backed" loans) that are available to  pay the costs. 

But... to access those grants and loans, the 17-18-year-old-boy, has to sign a statement that declares he will


himself, for military-service, if-needed, from that day until...

I signed that statement, 

...realizing that it was a horrible-trap; designed to, break my spirit, and let me know that


could no longer be an individual, and that my life could and would be, directed by cold-hearted, old White-men with sinister-intentions.

I signed that statement,

because I realized the alternative would be that I was thrown, "cold-turkey" into a complex world, full of angry, duplicitous-people. 

A world that my childhood had (purposefully)- not prepared me for.

I took that choice, (without reading the pages of fine-printed legalese), because I knew that understanding those words would trap me into the White-mans frame-of-mind.

I signed that statement,

and took the money 

and had an excellent adventure where I learned a lot about life and people. 

And in my soul I knew that I was never going to be forced into military-service because, 


And after that beautiful-experience, 

I took jobs where I would never find myself caught in a lifestyle of big-money, asshole-people, and 

a language of lies.

I did this and suffered, because I realized all that other stuff was designed to break-me, and the pain was just part of the reward...

The reward being;

 that within the battered-shell of a,  

"poor, old crazy-man, that never amounted to much" 

Was the soul of a 17 year-old, that always knew what, "a righteous-man" should do. 


but never broken.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The manifestation of the Capitalist-ideal


I had this epiphany a few days ago.

"Race" is an invention of Capitalism, with Whiteness being a personification of the Capitalist-ideal.

This all stemmed from the competitive profit-driven mindset of Western European societies. That type of society focuses on the  individual accumulating-wealth. This is opposed to societies with a focus on cooperation that provides stability for the community as a whole.

Unfortunately, in order to be a successful-competitor  through capitalism (ie: maximizing profits)  a person must adopt an amoral worldview, manifesting as sociopathy.

Successful-followers within this society, must adopt a selective-ignorance (whiteness) as their modus-operindi (ideal), in order to realize benefits from this type of society; with the maximum-rewards going to those who can most-effectively blind-themselves to the anti-social, amoral (toxic) activities bringing wealth to their masters (the few) at the expense of the lives, health, and dignity of great numbers of other (lesser) human-beings .

Through this explanation it is easy to see how  Whiteness can and does adapt itself to new victims, by positioning poor/uneducated/morally-sound white-people as the other (lesser) human-beings. 

In this way Whiteness acts much like a vampire using human-"familiars" as agents whose actions satisfy the vampire's gluttonous-appetite.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Vortex-944, Zip-A-Tone, and Boot-leather

In the summer of 1988, I was on summer-break from Texas Tech, in Chicago, living with my (ugh) parents, and working and working at Burnham-harbor.

In late July, I took the long El-train/subway-journey to the Chicago comicon, thinking about the Warriors movie, the whole way.
Finally-arriving at the hotel convention-center, I was heading to pay my way in, when my friend (and fellow comics-aficionado) Ben Lewis, pointed out that one of the guests was a no-show, and his guest-badge was left sitting on the unmanned "welcome"-table. So (of course) I snagged it, got in free, and went walking around the convention hall.
The place was packed, and there were lines of fans at the various publishers'-tables; waiting to get autographs, critiques of their sincere but amateurish drawing-efforts, and (over)paying for their (shittily knocked-out) sketch-requests; $50-bills at-the-ready in their shaking-paws. They were all afraid of getting Soup-Nazied by their impatient-heroes.

I saw the Vortex table (Vortex, (a Canadian-company) published my favorite comic ever (Mr. X), and another fave, Chester Brown's Yummy Fur), and made my way over.

There were two guys sitting there, at a lonley-table that seemed to have some anti-fan force-field around it; as absolutely no one else seemed to notice their presence.

I walked-up, said hello, and read their badges; Publisher Bill Marks, and Yummy Fur artist Chester Brown!
They smiled and said hello  seeming to genuinely-want to meet me!

Their attitude was diametrically-opposed to the almost universally-held attitude of the phony American-artists. The Americans talked to their fans with a thinly-disgused contempt, that shouted, "Shut-up, drop money  on the table, and get the fuck away-from me!".

Bill Marks addressed me by the name on the badge I was wearing. I explained the badge, introduced myself, and stated my admiration for Chester Brown's art, and the genius of the Mr. X concept!
They laughed and asked me to sit next to them behind the table!

I showed them an early, proto-Tad-Martin story, and 2 stories that would eventually wind-up in Tad Martin #1.
They seemed to genuinely like what I was trying to do, which meant the world to me.

Bill asked me if I was going to the premiere of the Comic Book Confidential- documentary. It was taking place that-night; downtown at the Limelight-club, and convention-guests got in free.
I told them that I hadn't even heard about it; I explained that the convention would be over hours before the premiere, and that I had to take trains back to my (ugh) parents'-house, which was way-off on the far-South-side of the city.
The Convention was taking-place at a hotel convention-center in the far-off Suburbs; and it was a pain-in-the-ass to get to, for an introvert like me.

Without missing a beat, they offered to put me up in their room..!
I told-them that I was flattered, but that I didn't want to impose on them.
Bill explained that they  had a huge-suite, and that it would be happy to have me as their guest!
This kinda broke me up. I wasn't used to people being unselfish, and treating me as a fellow human-being. If I wasn't so perpetually-shell-shocked I would have cried! Instead, I gratefully-accepted.

Later, nearing-sunset,  we were hanging around in their suite, getting-ready to  head-downtown. They were interested in seeing the famous Limelight-club, asking me if I'd ever been there. I explained that I was a neurotic home-body that was quick to get-lost (and panicky) in downtown-Chicago.
I told them that I only frequented the punk-rock club-Medusa's, on the North-Side.
They said they'd like to check-out Medusa's the next time they were in town.
Down in the parking-lot I was greeted by Bill's yellow, Autohaus Porsche-944 racecar. I wasn't a fan of European sports cars; mostly-due to my exposure to the rich college assholes that drove them around Lubbock, but I was impressed by this car! It was covered with colorful sponsor-graphics, and reminded me of something from Speed-Racer!
Soon we were on my way. Chester chating-away in the shotgun-seat, and me crammed into the cramped  rear-space (roll-cage digging into my bones, and ass pressed-against the hatchback-glass), as Bill slammed-through the gears, sending the  Porsche screaming through the nighttime.

Finally-arriving, Bill found a nearby parking-space, and I managed to unfold-myself into a standing-like position.
At the Limelight entrance, I saw a few Underground-comics-Illuminati entering ahead.
The doorman checked Chester's guest-badge and I.D., followed by Bill's, but stopped me, when he saw on my Illinois driver's-license that I wasn't yet 21. Looking (pleadingly) towards Chester and Bill, I reasoned with the bouncer to give me a break. But he shook his head, and motioned or the people behind-me to step-up. The guys gave me an empathetic-look, but I waved them on, stating that it was cool.

I was 3-and-a-half weeks from my 21st-birthday.

My belongings were back in the hotel-suite. I didn't know the area, and had no place to sit without appearing homeless.

So on the night that I'd envisioned-myself hobnobbing with famous Underground-artists, I instead found-myself; (dressed-in an olive-drab trenchcoat, dark-shades, and J.C. Penny engineer-boots) walking a thousand-laps around the block, waiting-out the 2-hour vigil, until the boys finally came-out.

When they did, they greeted me with surprised-looks, (never-imagining  that I'd waited-around for them, for 2-hours), and expressed their disappointment that I'd been left-out of the festivities.

I managed to smile-it-off, and we made our way back to the Porsche.

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Genu-Existentialist footlocker, in my head

 In my life, (mostly-since high-school), I've had to cut people out of my existence; for behaviors and/or mindsets that I found to be anti-life. I gave groups (jocks, gangsters, bikers, 80s-metalheads, etc.) three-strikes, but saw that there was always some underlying "evil" that they had, that connected them to the other fucked-up groups.

Since about 2011, when I started really speaking out about White-responsibility; i find that of the 100-or-so "Cool"-people, who are also White, there are only 7 or so that still talk to me. 

The rest all followed the same script of, hitting-me with logical-fallacies, in an attempt to hold onto both; me, and, Whiteness.

But when they saw, that I would counter their fallacies with facts; they all, "suddenly", got angry, and indignant; hitting me with an ultimatum to shut-up. 

That instant-"click" that they made, over to an unreasoning-monster, let me realize how so many thousands of (otherwise-kind-and reasonable) White-People, could all gather-together, within a few hours time, with food; and happily share the spectacle of a black-person being slowly tortured-to-death...

Just like that.

 I've seen that "click", happen in hundreds of White-Americans, over the course of 40-years of life. 

In person, newscasts; and on-film and TV. The White-characters; who are faced with defending a Black-person, come right up to the edge of suggesting self-examination...

-then don't.

 And then, (along with the white-audience) they silently pat-themselves on the back, for being "not-racist". 

It's so strange that I can hold so many of these existential-realizations in my mind; fully-aware, not going insane...

 while other people, don't,




Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Why Your Whole-Ass-Personality, Changed During Puberty

 My answer will differ from the others, even though the other explanations have truth.

Assuming you live in the Western-world, and more-specifically the United States, your childhood (true) personality was replaced by an egocentric-personality. This does not mean that you are selfish or conceited though. On the contrary, it means that your personality was changed so that your concern would be refocused on how other people see you, instead of how you see yourself.

This may sound horrible to you, because it is.

Did I mention that this change to the way you see (and enjoy) the world, was done on-purpose?

It may sound like a conspiracy-theory, but it actually happened to you, and continues today.

It was done to you through what is called “Factory-schooling”, which was developed first in Europe, as a way to efficiently turn children into cog-like adults, who would work in the newly-developing Industrial-Economy.

Which was bad enough. But, because all generations of teachers, from that point on, have been trained by Factory-schooling; they see this horriible-system is seen as “normal" and even “good".

Which is why any changes to it will have to be forced, by concerned-people that are outside of that system, and the government that runs it. Concerned-people like most of you readers (hint).

Note: during the intervening 200-years, some ugly appendages have been added to this already-awful branwashing. Which include:

-the teaching of white-supremacy as being biologically, biblically, and moral-truths.

-Presenting Consumerism as a proper, patriotic, and “normal”; first by corporal-punishment and flowery-description, then by the classic 1950's-2000 “Educational-videos", and currently, (and perhaps most-underhandedly) through websites, including all social-media! Look them up, your school is on twitter, and trying to stagger into Tik-toc.

-teaching war as being a “fact of life”, and then introducing R.O.T.C., (and later; cash-"Bonuses" to impoverished-kids, under-served kids, and kids of military-veterans.

-and more.

So, in conclusion, your personality changed because; adults with childlike-wonder, and independent-dreams don't give their money to monsters.

Dear, Generation-Z...

 Dude'z! ...I just had an epiphany! 

With all this  attention being paid to  Gen-X now, it go me thinking, "how does a generation of people go unnoticed?"

Is it because gen-x doesn't hype itself?

...partially. I think the reason that my generation is off-the-books, may be because we had shitty economic-lives. The fact that we didn't write a lot of articles about being broke, was exploited (taken as permission), by the money-machine as a cue-to-silence about the real state of the economy.

The fact is, when gen-x went to work, is when the boomers and silent generation decided to do a slow-siphon of all the money. 

1) We were the beta-test group for jacking up college-tuition, so bank-loans would be needed, to get an education that our parents were telling us was needed in a "competitive-ecomomy", but in reality-

2) -The boomers (i say boomers cause they call the shots, but grown-up frat-bros of all ages were doing the dirty work) were prepping us with their "competitive-economy"-psyops to also beta-test if American-workers could be driven as hard, and paid as much as the Chinese, who they were considering as replacements for us. 

They jacked-up manufacturing production, then:

- put us on 12-hr workdays.

-laid us off.

-and rehired us through temp-companies so they wouldn't have to pay us benefits.

In the end, they got fat off our desperation, then kicked us out into an economy with nobody paying anything-

3)-Except to the Millennials. Who they trained in high-schools to become code-writers, constructing their new "Digital-economy". 

Meanwhile, we are jumping from job to job, as the brick-and-mortar companies are falling like dominoes under our feet.

4) They tried to turn us against the Millennials, so everyone would be (further)-distracted from the economy by (more) bullshit. It didn't work, because we had more important shit to think about, like-

5) The housing-bubble bursting, leaving gen-x homebuyers (who often needed to take in boarders to help pay the mortgage-costs we couldn't afford because of the aforementioned student-loans, and chronic unemployment/underemployment. 

The boomers got double-paid on that one! And the money kept rolling-in because, now-

6) -we were living in apartments, and rented homes, whose prices got jacked-up by Millennials moving to the "more-affordable, cooler/less full of fascists" cities.

Note: We were beta-tested on Seattle, so you guys could be maneuvered to move to Austin, Portland, Atlanta, etc., which-

7) -are a few of the cities that boomers have used venture-capital-investment-companies to buy up apartment-buildings and homes to be re-purposed for rental. These cheaper(-than-NYC/LA/San Francisco, etc)-cities, now new-homes to the Tech-giants, attract the millennial-techies, who gentrify, and Gen-z, gig-economy-working 

social/intellectual-refugees, who share space in rental-properties, whose prices are are now exponentially-rising, because that's how the boomers (and their psychooathic-sicophants) planned it! 

And guess what? When the housing-bubbles burst again, this time the Millennials will be under-water, and the fucking boomers will probably still get a double-payout, as the FED will probably deem their investments to be "too-big to fail"!

... just like they did in 2008.

So, now that I've established that gen-x and gen-z are family, I hope you guys can spread this knowledge, like you do.

That would be cool.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

For your present, and the future of all

 It's  like how the rich could not exist without the poor, to measure against.

 Whiteness only has meaning, because it created blackness, as a permanent measure of inferiority, that gives value to the existence of "white"-skin, and thereby White-life.

 And whiteness created the laws that punish those that would upset that balance.

It's  said that "Race" doesn't exist as biology, but as a concept. Which is true. 

It is also a self-sustaining delusion, that whiteness forces all human beings to adhere to. 

Think about that.

 That is toxic-Narcissism in effect on a global-level! 

In forcing the world to conform to these toxic-lies, (through an organized system of terrorism called "Imperialism"), White-Supremacy has a global-machine in place, that forces all of humanity to live a lie. It forces humanity into accepting a toxic-delusion as reality.  

This is not a metaphor.  White-supremacy, and by the transitive-property, "Whiteness"-itself; forces all people to accept lies as truths, and immorality as the proprietary, (ie; the proper and approved manner of societal-conduct.

For example:

 There is an entire branch of law that deals with real-estate, and land ownership. But how can any real-estate law be valid, if the land in question is not "owned", but stolen by mass-murderers? Mass-murderers whose victims would have willingly shared the land. And shared it not as a commodity, but as a free human-necessity.

But the mass-murderers were  also Toxic-Narcissists and psychopaths.  They were liars, con-men and thieves, who terrorized the poor-masses, by creating rules and laws that guaranteed that their psychopathic-children would forever benefit; at the expense of the masses of the poor.

If you buy a house today, you buy it from the children of mass-murderers, who like their fathers, continue the made-up  reality, that the earth is something that can be sold.

And because of white-supremacy, you have been trained to see this as normal, desirable, and moral. 

Which makes you a person, living through a shared psychotic-delusion.
A delusion enforced by laws, which are written and enforced by the narcissistic,  and the psychopathic.

And that's what's common to ALL-people. The extra horrors, created just for the non-white people, to keep them in a state of permanent-injury... that's a book in itself.

Please share.